Author, business owner, mom, mentor to women


My blog is about my journey as a business owner, writer, urbanist, mentor to women, mom, twin, advocate for causes I believe in, and backyard chicken farming, too.

I believe that all women deserve a seat at the table and that our voices, stories, and journeys are an integral part of getting us there.

Perspective & Experience: 10 rules to make your next event a success

Perspective & Experience: 10 rules to make your next event a success

After managing several events, both large and small, I came up with these 10 reminders to make every event a success, to help you get through stressful times, and to help you unwind when it’s over.

  1. All events are too much work.

  2. Something will go wrong -- it always does. If you know this going in it will help you get through it. Sometimes it's minor and sometimes it's major*. How much it affects the event is up to you. Try to laugh. Maybe not now, but later.

  3. Whatever you think you did wrong, other people probably didn't notice and, if they did, they don't care nearly as much as you do. This is because of # 4.

  4. Being a perfectionist leads to great events but also makes # 1, 2 and 3 harder.

  5. When the event is going on, smile and give yourself a pat on the back -- you do deserve it because you are doing a great job. This is also because of # 4.

  6. Judge success of your event by your guests. If they are smiling, you've done a good job.

  7. Anything negative that happens is because of circumstances beyond your control. Anything positive is due to your hard work. If anything negative happens, re-read # 2 and #5.

  8. When the event is over, smile and give yourself a pat on the back -- you do deserve it because you've done a great job. This is also because of # 4.

  9. Event Let Down is a physical reaction and it's normal at the end of or right after an event. It can sometimes last a few days to get all the adrenaline out. Plan your time and purchases after the event accordingly. Remember, chocolate is a health food and wine is good for your heart. Remember, this can take days.

  10. Re-read # 8 while you are eating chocolate and drinking wine.

First written 8/31/11

Learning: You have to have how many twitter followers to publish a book?

Learning: You have to have how many twitter followers to publish a book?

Leadership: 10 lessons on leadership and life

Leadership: 10 lessons on leadership and life